aspose.words.layout.RevisionColor enumeration. Allows to specify color of document revisions.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "Document.layout_options_revisions...
ViewOptions.do_not_display_page_boundaries property. Turns off display of the space between the top of the text and the top edge of the page.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "ViewOptions.display_page_boundaries...
Footnote.footnote_type property. Returns a value that specifies whether this is a footnote or endnote.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "InlineStory.footnote_endnote...
ImageFieldMergingArgs.image_stream property. Specifies the stream for the mail merge engine to read an image from.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "MailMergeEvent.image_from_blob...
RowFormat.heading_format property. True if the row is repeated as a table heading on every page when the table spans more than one page.... save ( ARTIFACTS_DIR + "