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  1. ControlMousePointerType enumeration | Aspose.Ce...

    ControlMousePointerType enumeration ControlMousePointerType enumeration Represents the type of icon displayed as the ...... ARROW Arrow. CROSS Cross-hair pointer...I_BEAM I-beam. SIZE_NESW Double arrow pointing northeast and southwest...
  2. ShapeType | Aspose.Slides for C++ API Reference

    Represents preset geometry of geometry shapes....RightArrow 44 Right Arrow Shape . LeftArrow 45 Left Arrow Shape . UpArrow...UpArrow 46 Up Arrow Shape . DownArrow 47 Down Arrow Shape . StripedRightArrow...
  3. EndCap Enum | Aspose.Words for .NET

    Aspose.Words.Drawing.EndCap enum. Specifies line cap style in C#....half-transparent red line // with an arrow on the left end and a diamond...Shape arrow = new Shape ( doc , ShapeType . Line ); arrow . Width...
  4. Aspose::Words::Drawing::Fill::get_ForeColor met...

    Aspose::Words::Drawing::Fill::get_ForeColor method. Gets or sets a Color object that represents the foreground color for the fill in C++....half-transparent red line // with an arrow on the left end and a diamond...diamond on the right end: auto arrow = MakeObject < Shape > ( doc...
  5. Aspose::Words::Drawing::Stroke::get_StartArrowT...

    Aspose::Words::Drawing::Stroke::get_StartArrowType method. Defines the Arrowhead for the start of a stroke in C++....half-transparent red line // with an arrow on the left end and a diamond...diamond on the right end: auto arrow = MakeObject < Shape > ( doc...
  6. Enum EndCap | Aspose.Words for .NET API 参考

    Aspose.Words.Drawing.EndCap 枚举. 指定线帽样式...Shape arrow = new Shape ( doc , ShapeType . Line ); arrow . Width...= 200 ; arrow . Stroke . Color = Color . Red ; arrow . Stroke...
  7. Enum JoinStyle | Aspose.Words for .NET API 参考

    Aspose.Words.Drawing.JoinStyle 枚举. 线连接样式....Shape arrow = new Shape ( doc , ShapeType . Line ); arrow . Width...= 200 ; arrow . Stroke . Color = Color . Red ; arrow . Stroke...
  8. ShapeType | Aspose.Sildes for .NET API Reference

    Represents preset geometry of geometry shapes....RightArrow 44 Right Arrow Shape. LeftArrow 45 Left Arrow Shape. UpArrow...UpArrow 46 Up Arrow Shape. DownArrow 47 Down Arrow Shape. StripedRightArrow...
  9. Aspose::Cells::Drawing::Equations::EquationComb...

    Aspose::Cells::Drawing::Equations::EquationCombiningCharacterType enum. Type of combining characters in C++....Unicode: u20d6 Combining Left Arrow Above RightArrowAbove 14 “⃗”...Unicode: u20d7 Combining Right Arrow Above LeftRightArrowAbove 15...
  10. Enum EquationCombiningCharacterType | Aspose.Ce...

    Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Equations.EquationCombiningCharacterType enum. Type of combining characters...Unicode: u20d6 Combining Left Arrow Above RightArrowAbove 14 “⃗”...Unicode: u20d7 Combining Right Arrow Above LeftRightArrowAbove 15...