Fill 财产. 获取或设置表示填充前景色的 Color 对象...Shape arrow = new Shape ( doc , ShapeType . Line ); arrow . Width...= 200 ; arrow . Stroke . Color = Color . Red ; arrow . Stroke...
Stroke.end_Arrow_type property. Defines the Arrowhead for the end of a stroke....end_arrow_type property Stroke.end_arrow_type property Defines...half-transparent red line # with an arrow on the left end and a diamond...
Stroke.start_Arrow_width property. Defines the Arrowhead width for the start of a stroke....start_arrow_width property Stroke.start_arrow_width property...half-transparent red line # with an arrow on the left end and a diamond...
Aspose::Cells::Drawing::MsoArrowheadStyle enum. Enumerates the line end type of the shape border line in C++.... Arrow 1 Arrow line end type. ArrowStealth 2 Arrow Stealth...ArrowDiamond 3 Arrow Diamond Line end type. ArrowOval 4 Arrow Oval line...
Aspose::Cells::Drawing::Equations::EquationCombiningCharacterType enum. Type of combining characters in C++....Unicode: u20d6 Combining Left Arrow Above RightArrowAbove 14 “⃗”...Unicode: u20d7 Combining Right Arrow Above LeftRightArrowAbove 15...