RuleSequence KnownPropertyList.RuleSequence field Contains a value used to determine the order in which rules are eva...... Area: Server-Side Rules Properties...
InternetAccountName KnownPropertyList.InternetAccountName field Specifies the user-visible email account name through...... Area: General Message Properties...
ClientActions KnownPropertyList.ClientActions field Specifies the actions the client is required to take on the messa...... Area: Server-side Rules Properties...
AttachSize KnownPropertyList.AttachSize field Contains the size, in bytes, consumed by the Attachment object on the s...... Area: Message Attachment Properties...
IsSilent KnownPropertyList.IsSilent field Indicates whether the user did not include any text in the body of the Meet...... Area: Meetings Canonical name: PidLidIsSilent...
CalendarReminderOffset KnownPropertyList.CalendarReminderOffset field Identifies the number of seconds before an appo...... Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarRemin...
CalendarResources KnownPropertyList.CalendarResources field Identifies a list of resources, such as rooms and video e...... Area: Common Canonical name: PidNameCalendarResou...
OnlinePassword KnownPropertyList.OnlinePassword field Specifies the password for a meeting on which the PidLidConfere...... Area: Conferencing Canonical name:...
RetentionDate KnownPropertyList.RetentionDate field Specifies the date, in UTC, after which a Message object is expir...... Area: Archive Canonical name: PidTagRetentionDate...
OfflineAddressBookDistinguishedName KnownPropertyList.OfflineAddressBookDistinguishedName field Contains the DN of th...... Area: Offline Address Book Properties...