SharingStart KnownPropertyList.SharingStart field Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value...... Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingStart...
SharingWorkingHoursEnd KnownPropertyList.SharingWorkingHoursEnd field Contains a value that is ignored by the server ...... Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingWorking...
SharingProviderExtension KnownPropertyList.SharingProviderExtension field Contains a value that is ignored by the ser...... Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingProvide...
SharingRemoteMessageCount KnownPropertyList.SharingRemoteMessageCount field Contains a value that is ignored by the s...... Area: Sharing Canonical name: PidLidSharingRemoteM...
ChangeNumber KnownPropertyList.ChangeNumber field Contains a structure that identifies the last change to the message...... Area: Sync Canonical name: PidTagChangeNumber...
AutoStartCheck KnownPropertyList.AutoStartCheck field Specifies whether to automatically start the conferencing appli...... Area: Conferencing Canonical name:...
DistributionListStream KnownPropertyList.DistributionListStream field Specifies the list of EntryIDs and one-off Entr...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
AddressBookProviderArrayType KnownPropertyList.AddressBookProviderArrayType field Specifies the state of the electron...... Area: Contact Properties Canonical...
WorkbookSettings property. The distance from the top edge of the client Area to the top edge of the window in unit of inch...from the top edge of the client area to the top edge of the window...
WorkbookSettings property. The distance from the left edge of the client Area to the left edge of the window in unit of point...the left edge of the client area to the left edge of the window...