用於打開和查看 .NET 上的 PDF 檔的 Python 原始程式碼...pdf as ap // load PDF with an instance...instance of Document document = ap . Document ( "template.pdf" ) // save...
You may get page properties, such as the width, height, bleed-, crop- and trimbox using Aspose.PDF for Python via .NET....pdf as ap document = ap . Document ( input_pdf...Create new Box Rectagle new_box = ap . Rectangle ( 200 , 220 , 2170...
Această pagină descrie caracteristicile editării fișierului PDF utilizând Aspose.PDF pentru biblioteca Python....pdf as ap # load PDF file pdf = ap . Document ( 'input_file'...text_fragment_absorber_address = ap . text . TextFragmentAbsorber...
Na tej stronie opisano funkcje obracania pliku PDF przy użyciu biblioteki Aspose.PDF dla Pythona....======= >>>>>>> develop doc = ap . Document ( input_pdf ) for...newHeight ) page . media_box = ap . Rectangle ( newLLX , newLLY...
Questa pagina descrive le caratteristiche dell'utilizzo di immagini in file PDF utilizzando la libreria Aspose.PDF per Python....pdf as ap input_file = DIR_INPUT + "sample...jpg" # Open document document = ap . Document ( input_file ) document...
COM Interop을 통해.NET 프레임워크, .NET 코어 및 PHP, VBScript, 델파이, C++에서 PDF 문서에 전자 서명을 생성하는 파이썬 소스 코드입니다....pdf as ap inFile = "DigitallySign.pdf"...document = ap . Document ( inFile ) signature = ap . facades ...
Αυτή η σελίδα περιγράφει τα χαρακτηριστικά της επεξεργασίας αρχείου PDF χρησιμοποιώντας το Aspose.PDF για τη βιβλιοθήκη Python....pdf as ap # load PDF file pdf = ap . Document ( 'input_file'...text_fragment_absorber_address = ap . text . TextFragmentAbsorber...