用于在 .NET 上打开和查看 PDF 文件的 Python 源代码...pdf as ap // load PDF with an instance...instance of Document document = ap . Document ( "template.pdf" ) // save...
COM Interop을 통해.NET 프레임워크, .NET 코어 및 PHP, VBScript, 델파이, C++에서 PDF 파일에서 워터마크를 제거하는 파이썬 소스 코드입니다....pdf as ap doc = ap . Document ( "1.pdf" ) if...artifacts [ 1 ] . subtype == ap . Artifact . ArtifactSubtype...
Det här avsnittet visar hur du använder Aspose.PDF för Python API för att enkelt generera och läsa PDF-filer i Python-program....pdf as ap # Initialize document object document = ap . Document...textfragment object text_fragment = ap . text . TextFragment ( "Hello...
Бұл тақырып Python қосымшаларында PDF файлдарын оңай жасау және оқу үшін Python API үшін Aspose.PDF бағдарламасын қалай пайдалану керектігін көрсетеді....pdf as ap # Initialize document object document = ap . Document...textfragment object text_fragment = ap . text . TextFragment ( "Hello...
用於打開和查看 .NET 上的 PDF 檔的 Python 原始程式碼...pdf as ap // load PDF with an instance...instance of Document document = ap . Document ( "template.pdf" ) // save...
You may get page properties, such as the width, height, bleed-, crop- and trimbox using Aspose.PDF for Python via .NET....pdf as ap document = ap . Document ( input_pdf...Create new Box Rectagle new_box = ap . Rectangle ( 200 , 220 , 2170...
Add background image to the your PDF file with Python. Use the BackgroundArtifact class....pdf as ap # Create a new Document object document = ap . Document...Artifact object background = ap . BackgroundArtifact () # Specify...