ShaderLanguage ShaderTechnique.ShaderLanguage property Gets or sets the shader language used by this technique. publi......3D ShaderFile ShaderParameters English...
DiffuseColor LambertMaterial.DiffuseColor property Gets or sets the diffuse color public Vector3 DiffuseColor { get ;......3D AmbientColor EmissiveColor English...
AddEntity Node.AddEntity method Add an entity to the node. public void AddEntity ( Entity entity ) Parameter Type Des......3D AddChildNode CreateChildNode...
Item CubeFaceData indexer public T this [ CubeFace face ] { get ; set ; } See Also enum CubeFace struct CubeFaceDa......3D Front Left English Русский 简体中文...
LoadData IBuffer.LoadData method Load the data into current buffer public void LoadData ( byte [] data ) Parameter Ty......3D Size English Русский 简体中文...
TopXOffset TrapeziumShape.TopXOffset property Gets or sets the offset from the beginning of the top line to the botto......3D TopXDim YDim English Русский...
BindIndexBuffer ICommandList.BindIndexBuffer method Bind the index buffer for rendering public void BindIndexBuffer (......3D BindDescriptorSet BindPipeline...
BonePoses Pose.BonePoses property Gets all BonePose . public IList < BonePose > BonePoses { get ; } Property Value Th......3D Pose PoseType English Русский...
SemiAxis2 EllipseShape.SemiAxis2 property Gets or sets the second radius of the ellipse that measured in the directio......3D SemiAxis1 GetExtent English Русский...