GetEnumerator KeyframeSequence.GetEnumerator method Gets the enumerator to traverse all key frames. public IEnumerato......3D Add Reset English Русский 简体中文...
Start AnimationClip.Start property Gets or sets the time in seconds of the beginning of the clip. public double Start......3D Description Stop English Русский...
BoneTransform Bone.BoneTransform property Gets or sets the transform matrix of the bone. public Matrix4 BoneTransform......3D Bone Item English Русский 简体中文...
ValueType Property.ValueType property Gets the type of the property value. public abstract Type ValueType { get ; } P......3D Value GetBindPoint English Русский...
Value Property.Value property Gets or sets the value. public abstract object Value { get ; set ; } Property Value The......3D Name ValueType English Русский...
Stop AnimationClip.Stop property Gets or sets the time in seconds of the end of the clip. public double Stop { get ; ......3D Start CreateAnimationNode English...
CameraPosition RendererVariableManager.CameraPosition property Camera’s position in world coordinate system public FV......3D DepthBias English Русский 简体中文...
Equals RenderState.Equals method Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object. pub......3D Dispose GetHashCode English Русский...
Area Viewport.Area property Gets or sets the area of the viewport in render target. public RelativeRectangle Area { g......3D BackgroundColor English Русский...
StencilBits RenderParameters.StencilBits property Gets or sets how many bits will be used in stencil buffer. public i......3D DoubleBuffering English Русский...