MetallicRoughness PbrMaterial.MetallicRoughness property Gets or sets the texture for metallic(in R channel) and roug......3D MetallicFactor NormalTexture...
FieldOfView Camera.FieldOfView property Gets or sets the camera’s field of view in degrees, this property is used onl......3D AspectRatio FieldOfViewX English...
ProjectionType Camera.ProjectionType property Gets or sets the camera’s projection type. By default the perspective p......3D Magnification Width English Русский...
NegativeZ CubeFaceData.NegativeZ property Gets or sets the data for -Z(Front) face public T NegativeZ { get ; set ......3D NegativeY PositiveX English Русский...
SetScale TextureBase.SetScale method Sets the UV scale. public void SetScale ( double u , double v ) Parameter Type D......3D SetRotation SetTranslation English...
SetScale Transform.SetScale method Sets the scale of current transform. public Transform SetScale ( double sx , doubl......3D SetRotation SetTranslation English...
Front CubeFaceData.Front property Gets or sets the data for -Z(Front) face public T Front { get ; set ; } See Also......3D Bottom Item English Русский 简体中文...
UnitScaleFactor AssetInfo.UnitScaleFactor property Gets or sets the scale factor to real-world meter. public double U......3D UnitName UpVector English Русский...
MetallicFactor PbrMaterial.MetallicFactor property Gets or sets the metalness of the material, value of 1 means the m......3D EmissiveTexture MetallicRoughness...
GetAnimationClip Scene.GetAnimationClip method Gets a named AnimationClip public AnimationClip GetAnimationClip ( str......3D CreateAnimationClip Open English...