ToArray IArrayList.ToArray method Converts all items in the list to an array public T [] ToArray () Return Value I......3D AddRange English Русский 简体中文...
WriteVerticesTo TriMesh.WriteVerticesTo method Write vertices data to the specified stream public void WriteVerticesT......3D Write32bIndicesTo English Русский...
Count NurbsDirection.Count property Gets or sets the count of control points in current direction. public int Count {......3D NurbsDirection Divisions English...
PolygonBuilder PolygonBuilder constructor Initializes a new instance of the PolygonBuilder class. public PolygonBuild......3D AddVertex English Русский 简体中文...
ApplyAnimationTransform Discreet3dsLoadOptions.ApplyAnimationTransform property Gets or sets whether to use the trans......3D Discreet3dsLoadOptio FlipCoordinateSystem...
Execute Renderer.Execute method Execute an post processing on specified render target public abstract void Execute ( ......3D Dispose GetPostProcessing English...
Frustum Renderer.Frustum property Gets or sets the frustum that used to provide view matrix. public virtual Frustum F......3D FallbackEntityRender Material...
UVTranslation TextureBase.UVTranslation property Gets or sets the UV translation. public Vector2 UVTranslation { get ......3D UVScale WrapModeU English Русский...
MetaDatas Node.MetaDatas property Gets the meta data defined in this node. public IList < CustomObject > MetaDatas { ......3D Materials ParentNode English...
Poses Scene.Poses property Gets all Pose used in this scene. public ICollection < Pose > Poses { get ; } Property Val......3D Library RootNode English Русский...