BottomFlangeThickness HShape.BottomFlangeThickness property Gets or sets the flange thickness of H-shape. public doub......3D BottomFlangeFilletRa BottomFlangeWidth...
GetEnumerator KeyframeSequence.GetEnumerator method Gets the enumerator to traverse all key frames. public IEnumerato......3D Add Reset English Русский 简体中文...
Data VertexElementVector4.Data property Gets the vertex data public IArrayList < Vector4 > Data { get ; } See Also in......3D Clear English Русский 简体中文...
BonePoses Pose.BonePoses property Gets all BonePose . public IList < BonePose > BonePoses { get ; } Property Value Th......3D Pose PoseType English Русский...
Scale ObjLoadOptions.Scale property Scales on x/y/z axis, default value is 1.0 public double Scale { get ; set ; } Se......3D NormalizeNormal English Русский...
DepthBias RendererVariableManager.DepthBias property Depth bias for shadow mapping, default value is 0.001 public flo......3D CameraPosition MatrixLightSpace...
IDescriptorSet IDescriptorSet interface The descriptor sets describes different resources that can be used to bind to......3D ICommandList IIndexBuffer English...