SetTranslation Transform.SetTranslation method Sets the translation of current transform. public Transform SetTransla......3D SetScale English Русский 简体中文...
WriteFile LocalFileSystem.WriteFile method Create a stream for writing dependencies. public override Stream WriteFile......3D ReadFile English Русский 简体中文...
FromPoints Line.FromPoints method Construct a Line instance from a set of points. public static Line FromPoints ( par......3D Line ControlPoints English Русский...
Diffuse PbrSpecularMaterial.Diffuse property Gets or sets the diffuse color of the material, default value is (1, 1, ......3D PbrSpecularMaterial DiffuseTexture...
Time KeyFrame.Time property Gets or sets the time position of[index] key frame, measured in seconds. public......3D Tension TimeIndependentTange...