RvmText FileFormat.RvmText field AVEVA Plant Design Management System Model in text format public static readonly Rvm......3D RvmBinary English Русский 简体中文...
UVRotation TextureBase.UVRotation property Gets or sets the rotation of the texture public Vector3 UVRotation { get ;......3D MipFilter UVScale English Русский...
WeightCount Bone.WeightCount property Gets the count of weight, this is automatically extended by SetWeight public in......3D Transform GetWeight English Русский...
YAxis Vector3.YAxis field Gets the Y axis. public static readonly Vector3 YAxis ; Property Value The Y axis. See Also......3D XAxis ZAxis English Русский 简体中文...
Height RectangularTorus.Height property The height of the rectangular torus. Default value is 20 public double Height......3D Arc InnerRadius English Русский...
OrthoHeight Frustum.OrthoHeight property Gets or sets the height when frustum in orthographic projection. public doub......3D NearPlane RotationMode English...
ShaderVersion ShaderTechnique.ShaderVersion property Gets or sets the shader version used by this technique. public s......3D ShaderParameters AddBinding English...
GlobalTransform Node.GlobalTransform property Gets the global transform. public GlobalTransform GlobalTransform { get......3D Excluded Material English Русский...
FragmentShader GLSLSource.FragmentShader property Gets or sets the source code of the fragment shader. public string ......3D ComputeShader GeometryShader...
Value Property.Value property Gets or sets the value. public abstract object Value { get ; set ; } Property Value The......3D Name ValueType English Русский...