Type Skeleton.Type property Gets or sets the type of the skeleton. public SkeletonType Type { get ; set ; } Property ......3D Size English Русский 简体中文...
AssetInfo Scene.AssetInfo property Gets or sets the top-level asset information public AssetInfo AssetInfo { get ; se......3D AnimationClips CurrentAnimationClip...
Excluded Node.Excluded property Gets or sets whether to exclude this node and all child nodes/entities during exporti......3D Entity GlobalTransform English...
Second TrimmedCurve.Second property The second end point to trim, can be a Cartesian point or a real parameter. publi......3D SameDirection English Русский...
PrettyPrint GltfSaveOptions.PrettyPrint property The JSON content of GLTF file is indented for human reading, default......3D MaterialConverter SaveExtras...
Divisions PatchDirection.Divisions property Gets or sets the number of divisions between adjacent control points. pub......3D ControlPoints Type English Русский...
FileSystem IOConfig.FileSystem property Allow user to handle how to manage the external dependencies during load/save......3D FileName LookupPaths English...