Data VertexElementDoublesTemplate.Data property Gets the vertex data public IArrayList < double > Data { get ; } See ......3D Clear English Русский 简体中文...
Data VertexElementIntsTemplate.Data property Gets the vertex data public IArrayList < int > Data { get ; } See Also i......3D Clear English Русский 简体中文...
ToString Node.ToString method Gets the string representation of this node. public override string ToString () Return ......3D SelectSingleObject English Русский...
CompareTo VertexDeclaration.CompareTo method Compares this instance to a specified object and returns an indication o......3D Clear Equals English Русский...
LookAt Frustum.LookAt property Gets or sets the the interested position that the camera is looking at. public Vector3......3D FarPlane NearPlane English Русский...
ThetaLength Sphere.ThetaLength property Gets or sets the length of the theta. public double ThetaLength { get ; set ;......3D Radius ThetaStart English Русский...