Semantic SemanticAttribute.Semantic property Semantic of the vertex field public VertexFieldSemantic Semantic { get ;......3D Alias English Русский 简体中文...
VerticesToArray TriMesh.VerticesToArray method Convert the vertices data to byte array public byte [] VerticesToArray......3D ToString Write16bIndicesTo English...
Enabled Viewport.Enabled property Enable or disable this viewport. public bool Enabled { get ; set ; } See Also class......3D DepthClear Frustum English Русский...
GLTF2 FileFormat.GLTF2 field Khronos Group’s glTF version 2.0 public static readonly FileFormat GLTF2 ; See Also clas......3D GLTF GLTF2_Binary English Русский...
VertexFieldSemantic VertexFieldSemantic enumeration The semantic of the vertex field public enum VertexFieldSemantic ......3D VertexFieldDataType Watermark...
GlobalTransform GlobalTransform class Global transform is similar to Transform but it’s immutable while it represents......3D FileFormatType ImageRenderOptions...