EulerAngles Transform.EulerAngles property Gets or sets the rotation represented in Euler angles, measured in degree ......3D GeometricRotation English Русский...
Rotate TransformBuilder.Rotate method Chain a rotation by a quaternion public TransformBuilder Rotate ( Quaternion q ......3D Reset RotateDegree English Русский...
OffsetTop Cylinder.OffsetTop property Gets or sets the vertices transformation offset of the top side. public Vector3......3D OffsetBottom OpenEnded English...
FlipCoordinateSystem ObjLoadOptions.FlipCoordinateSystem property Gets or sets whether flip coordinate system of cont......3D EnableMaterials NormalizeNormal...
FlipCoordinateSystem Discreet3dsLoadOptions.FlipCoordinateSystem property Gets or sets flip coordinate system of cont......3D ApplyAnimationTransf GammaCorrectedColor...
Weights MorphTargetChannel.Weights property Gets the full weight values of target geometries. public IList < double >......3D Targets GetWeight English Русский...
GetHashCode Vector3.GetHashCode method Gets the hash code of Vector3 public override int GetHashCode () Return Value ......3D Equals Normalize English Русский...
BottomFlangeFilletRadius HShape.BottomFlangeFilletRadius property Gets or sets the radius of fillet between the web a......3D BottomFlangeEdgeRadi BottomFlangeThicknes...