CopyTo VertexElementVector4.CopyTo method Copies data to specified element public void CopyTo ( VertexElementVector4 ......3D Clear SetData English Русский...
UpVector AssetInfo.UpVector property Gets or sets the up-vector used in this asset. public Axis ? UpVector { get ; se......3D UnitScaleFactor Url English Русский...
AmbientColor LambertMaterial.AmbientColor property Gets or sets the ambient color public Vector3 AmbientColor { get ;......3D LambertMaterial DiffuseColor...
Load ITexture1D.Load method Load texture content from specified Bitmap public void Load ( TextureData bitmap ) Parame......3D Save English Русский 简体中文...
Height Cylinder.Height property Gets or sets the height of the cylinder. public double Height { get ; set ; } Propert......3D GenerateFanCylinder HeightSegments...
Clear VertexElementTemplate.Clear method Removes all elements from the direct and the index arrays. public overrid......3D Data CopyTo English Русский 简体中文...
FlipCoordinateSystem StlSaveOptions.FlipCoordinateSystem property Gets or sets whether flip coordinate system of cont......3D StlSaveOptions English Русский...
ReflectionColor PhongMaterial.ReflectionColor property Gets or sets the reflection color. public Vector3 ReflectionCo......3D PhongMaterial ReflectionFactor...
NegativeX CubeFaceData.NegativeX property Gets or sets the data for +X(Left) face public T NegativeX { get ; set ;......3D Left NegativeY English Русский...