ReceiveShadows Primitive.ReceiveShadows property Gets or sets whether this geometry can receive shadow. public bool R......3D CastShadows ToMesh English Русский...
Shadowmap RendererVariableManager.Shadowmap property The depth texture used for shadow mapping public ITextureUnit Sh......3D ShadowCaster ViewportSize English...
ApertureMode Camera.ApertureMode property Gets or sets the camera’s aperture mode public ApertureMode ApertureMode { ......3D Camera AspectRatio English Русский...
Falloff Light.Falloff property Gets or sets the falloff cone angle (in degrees). public double Falloff { get ; set ; ......3D ConstantAttenuation HotSpot English...
MetallicFactor PbrMaterial.MetallicFactor property Gets or sets the metalness of the material, value of 1 means the m......3D EmissiveTexture MetallicRoughness...
CreateDescriptorSet RenderFactory.CreateDescriptorSet method Create the descriptor set for specified shader program. ......3D CreateCubeRenderText CreateIndexBuffer...