GetEnumerator Material.GetEnumerator method Gets the enumerator to enumerate internal texture slots. public IEnumerat......3D GetTexture English Русский 简体中文...
ChildNodes Node.ChildNodes property Gets the children nodes. public IList < Node > ChildNodes { get ; } Property Valu......3D AssetInfo Entities English Русский...
FarPlane Frustum.FarPlane property Gets or sets the frustum’s far plane distance. public double FarPlane { get ; set ......3D Direction LookAt English Русский...
GltfLoadOptions Contents [ Hide ] GltfLoadOptions class Load options for glTF format public class GltfLoadOptions : L......3D to look for external file to...ThreeD.Formats assembly Aspose.3D GltfEmbeddedImageFor GltfSaveOptions...
MetallicFactor PbrMaterial.MetallicFactor property Gets or sets the metalness of the material, value of 1 means the m......3D EmissiveTexture MetallicRoughness...
CreateDescriptorSet RenderFactory.CreateDescriptorSet method Create the descriptor set for specified shader program. ......3D CreateCubeRenderText CreateIndexBuffer...