LoadOptions LoadOptions constructor (1 of 2) Initializes a new instance of this class with default values. public Loa......LoadOptions constructor (1 of 2) Initializes a new instance of...Diagram LoadOptions constructor (2 of 2) Initializes a new instance...
IndexOutOFRangeException IndexOutOFRangeException constructor (1 of 2) Initializes a new instance of the CompressorEx......IndexOutOFRangeExcep constructor (1 of 2) Initializes a new instance of...IndexOutOFRangeExcep constructor (2 of 2) Initializes a new instance...
OperationInterruptedException OperationInterruptedException constructor (1 of 2) Initializes a new instance of the Op......OperationInterrupted constructor (1 of 2) Initializes a new instance of...OperationInterrupted constructor (2 of 2) Initializes a new instance...
ImageCreateException ImageCreateException constructor (1 of 2) Initializes a new instance of the ImageCreateException......ImageCreateException constructor (1 of 2) Initializes a new instance of...ImageCreateException constructor (2 of 2) Initializes a new instance...
ImageSaveException ImageSaveException constructor (1 of 2) Initializes a new instance of the ImageSaveException class......ImageSaveException constructor (1 of 2) Initializes a new instance of...ImageSaveException constructor (2 of 2) Initializes a new instance...
AddRectangle GraphicsPath.AddRectangle method (1 of 2) Adds a rectangle to this path. public void AddRectangle ( Rect......AddRectangle method (1 of 2) Adds a rectangle to this path...GraphicsPath.AddRectangle method (2 of 2) Adds a rectangle to this path...
Offset Rectangle.Offset method (1 of 2) Adjusts the location of this rectangle by the specified amount. public void O......Offset method (1 of 2) Adjusts the location of this...Drawing Rectangle.Offset method (2 of 2) Adjusts the location of this...
GifImageException GifImageException constructor (1 of 2) Initializes a new instance of the GifImageException class. p......GifImageException constructor (1 of 2) Initializes a new instance of...GifImageException constructor (2 of 2) Initializes a new instance...
BmpImageException BmpImageException constructor (1 of 2) Initializes a new instance of the BmpImageException class. p......BmpImageException constructor (1 of 2) Initializes a new instance of...BmpImageException constructor (2 of 2) Initializes a new instance...