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  1. Zoom | Aspose.PDF for .NET API Reference

    Get or sets Zoom coefficient. Value 1.0 corresponds to 100. Default value is 1.0. The following example demonstrates how to change Zoom of the document pages....Zoom PdfPageEditor.Zoom property Get or sets zoom coefficient...example demonstrates how to change zoom of the document pages. PdfPageEditor...
  2. zoom

    Home Browse our Products Toggle navigation Are you looking for an evaluation version of a product? If so you can down...... Tag: zoom Aspose.Slides | Java Library...
  3. Zoom | Aspose.CAD for .NET API Reference

    Zoom CadRasterizationOptions.Zoom property Gets or sets Zoom factor. Allows to Zoom drawing relatively to canvas size......Zoom CadRasterizationOpti.Zoom property Gets or sets zoom factor...factor. Allows to zoom drawing relatively to canvas size. Value...
  4. Zoom | Aspose.HTML for .NET API Reference

    Represents a Zoom host....Zoom MultimediaHost.Zoom property Represents a Zoom host. public...public static MultimediaHost Zoom { get ; } See Also class MultimediaHost...
  5. Manage Zoom|Aspose.Slides Documentation

    Add Zoom or Zoom frames to PowerPoint presentations in C++...Manage Zoom Contents [ Hide ] Overview Zooms in PowerPoint allow...Summary Zoom . To show selected slides only, use a Slide Zoom . To...
  6. Manage Zoom|Aspose.Slides Documentation

    Add Zoom or Zoom frames to PowerPoint presentations in Java...Manage Zoom Contents [ Hide ] Overview Zooms in PowerPoint allow...Summary Zoom . To show selected slides only, use a Slide Zoom . To...
  7. Manage Zoom|Aspose.Slides Documentation

    Add Zoom or Zoom frames to PowerPoint presentations in C# or .NET...Manage Zoom Contents [ Hide ] Overview Zooms in PowerPoint allow...Summary Zoom . To show selected slides only, use a Slide Zoom . To...
  8. Zoom | Aspose.PDF for .NET API Reference

    Zooming factor of the stamp. Allows to scale stamp. Please note that pair of properties ZoomX and ZoomY allows to set Zoom factor for every axe separately. Setting of this property changes both ZoomX and ZoomY properties. If ZoomX and ZoomY are different then Zoom property returns ZoomX value....Zoom Stamp.Zoom property Zooming factor of the stamp. Allows...ZoomX and ZoomY allows to set zoom factor for every axe separately...
  9. Zoom | Aspose.PDF for .NET API Reference

    Gets Zoom factor....Zoom XYZExplicitDestinati.Zoom property Gets zoom factor. public...public double Zoom { get ; } See Also class XYZExplicitDestinati...
  10. Zoom | Aspose.Sildes for .NET API Reference

    Camera Zoom positive value in percentage. Read/write Single....Zoom Camera.Zoom property Camera zoom (positive value in percentage)...Read/write Single. public float Zoom { get ; set ; } See Also class...