GridPicture property. Represents the vertical offset of shape from Worksheet top board in unit of pixels...vertical offset of shape from worksheet top board, in unit of pixels...
GridShape property. Represents the horizontal offset of shape from Worksheet left board in unit of pixels...horizontal offset of shape from worksheet left board, in unit of pixels...
Aspose::Cells::HtmlTableLoadOption::GetTargetSheetIndex method. Get or set the target index of Worksheet where the table is to be located in C++....or set the target index of worksheet where the table is to be located...
Aspose::Cells::Cells::GetStandardWidthPixels method. Gets or sets the default column width in the Worksheet, in unit of pixels in C++....default column width in the worksheet, in unit of pixels. int32_t...
allow_formatting_row property allow_formatting_row property Represents if the formatting of rows is allowed on a allowed on a protected worksheet Definition: @property def...
walls_and_gridlines_2d property walls_and_gridlines_2d property True if gridlines are drawn two-dimensionally on a 3-......class Chart walls property worksheet property English Русский 简体中文...
Worksheet method. Merges a specified range of cells into a single cell...Worksheet.Merge Worksheet.Merge method Merges a specified range...Also class CellRange class Worksheet namespace Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop...
判断索引处的指定列是否处于选中状态...ColInSelection Worksheet.ColInSelection method 判断索引处的指定列是否处于选中状态。...( int index ) 也可以看看 class Worksheet 命名空间 Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop...
GridCells method. Sorts the datas ascend/decend top to bottom in a range of a Worksheet by specified column index. Sorts the datas ascend/decend left to right in a range of a Worksheet by specified row bottom in a range of a Worksheet by specified column right in a range of a Worksheet by specified row index. public...