add_text_effect_in_chart method add_text_effect_in_chart Inserts a Wordart object to the chart Returns Returns a Shap......add_text_effect_in_chart Inserts a WordArt object to the chart Returns...object that represents the new WordArt object. def add_text_effect_in_chart...
rotated_chars property rotated_chars property If true,characters in the specified Wordart are rotated 90 degrees rela......specified WordArt are rotated 90 degrees relative to the WordArt’s bounding...
Aspose::Cells::FontSetting::SetWordartStyle method. Sets the preset Wordart style in C++....le method Sets the preset WordArt style. void Aspose :: Cells...PresetWordArtStyle The preset WordArt style. Remarks Only for the...
TextPath Underline property. True if the font is underlined in C#....Examples Shows how to work with WordArt. public void Document (); // Insert a WordArt object to display text in a...
TextPath Italic property. True if the font is formatted as italic in C#....Examples Shows how to work with WordArt. public void Document (); // Insert a WordArt object to display text in a...
TextPath RotateLetters property. Determines whether the letters of the text are rotated in C#....Examples Shows how to work with WordArt. public void Document (); // Insert a WordArt object to display text in a...
Aspose::Words::Drawing::TextPath::get_Bold method. True if the font is formatted as bold in C++....Examples Shows how to work with WordArt. void InsertTextPaths () {...Document > (); // Insert a WordArt object to display text in a...
ShapeBase IsWordart property. Returns true if this shape is a Wordart object in C#....Returns true if this shape is a WordArt object. public bool IsWordArt...higher compatibility mode WordArt is just a TextBox with fancy...
Aspose::Words::Drawing::TextPath::get_Spacing method. Defines the amount of spacing for text. 1 means 100% in C++....Examples Shows how to work with WordArt. void InsertTextPaths () {...Document > (); // Insert a WordArt object to display text in a...
Aspose::Words::Drawing::TextPath::get_Text method. Defines the text of the text path in C++....Examples Shows how to work with WordArt. void InsertTextPaths () {...Document > (); // Insert a WordArt object to display text in a...