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  1. SQLite

    SQLite is a lightweight, serverless, and self-contained relational database management system. It is widely used due to its simplicity, portability, and compatibility with various platforms and programming languages. SQLite is embedded directly into applications, requiring no separate server process, and stores the entire database in a single file. It supports standard SQL syntax and offers features like transactions, indexes, and triggers. SQLite is suitable for small to medium-sized applications or as an embedded database within larger systems....its coordinate system, and its WKT (Well-Known-Text) by entering...
  2. OGC GeoPackage (GPKG)

    The OGC GeoPackage (GPKG) is a file format and data exchange standard for storing geospatial data. It combines the advantages of a geospatial database and a file-based format, providing a self-contained and platform-independent solution for storing and sharing geospatial information. The GeoPackage format supports various types of data, including vector features, raster images, and attribute data, allowing for the storage of complex geospatial datasets in a single file. It is an open standard developed by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and is widely used in the geospatial industry for mobile applications, offline mapping, and data interoperability....its coordinate system, and its WKT (Well-Known-Text) by entering...
  3. IPTC with Geotagging

    IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council) is a standard metadata format used for describing and organizing digital media, including images. When combined with geotagging, IPTC allows the addition of geolocation information to images, providing precise location data associated with the content. Geotagging with IPTC enhances the contextual information of images, enabling accurate documentation, efficient searchability, and improved organization of geographically related content. It facilitates the integration of geolocation data into workflows and applications, empowering users to leverage location-based information for various purposes such as journalism, asset management, and digital media analysis....its coordinate system, and its WKT (Well-Known-Text) by entering...
  4. IPTC with Geotagging

    IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council) is a standard metadata format used for describing and organizing digital media, including images. When combined with geotagging, IPTC allows the addition of geolocation information to images, providing precise location data associated with the content. Geotagging with IPTC enhances the contextual information of images, enabling accurate documentation, efficient searchability, and improved organization of geographically related content. It facilitates the integration of geolocation data into workflows and applications, empowering users to leverage location-based information for various purposes such as journalism, asset management, and digital media analysis....its coordinate system, and its WKT (Well-Known-Text) by entering...
  5. ENVI format

    The ENVI format is a file format commonly used in remote sensing and image processing applications. It is specifically designed to store and manipulate geospatial data, including satellite imagery, aerial photographs, and other types of remotely sensed data. The ENVI format is known for its flexibility and ability to handle multi-dimensional data, allowing for complex analysis and visualization of geospatial information. It supports various data types, such as multispectral, hyperspectral, and LiDAR data, and provides a range of metadata to describe the characteristics of the imagery. The ENVI format is widely supported by commercial and open-source software in the remote sensing field, making it a popular choice for storing and sharing geospatial data....its coordinate system, and its WKT (Well-Known-Text) by entering...
  6. GIS and Geo Formats for Effective Data Management

    The overview covers commonly used GIS and Geo file formats in GIS applications, including vector data formats, raster data formats, web map formats, database formats, and other formats. It discusses popular formats such as Shapefile, GeoJSON, KML, PostGIS, Oracle Spatial, Microsoft SQL Server Spatial, GPX, NTF, Mapbox Vector Tile, SVG, TopoJSON, and OGC GeoPackage. This information helps readers choose the appropriate format for their geospatial data and optimize their GIS applications....its coordinate system, and its WKT (Well-Known-Text) by entering...
  7. index.xml

    1.0 utf-8 yes 2.0 Release Notes - 2021 on Releases - aspose.com content in Release Notes - 2021 on Releases ......Support Esri style VERTCS for WKT Enhancement GISNET-1239 Fix ‘Missed...
  8. On-premise GIS Data Processing API | Aspose.GIS...

    Download GIS Data Processing Library to read, write & convert Shapefile, GeoJSON, FIleGDB, KML & OSM XML as well as render a map from supported formats to SVG....VisualStudio windows-forms winforms wkt ESRI Geography Markup Keyhole...
  9. Tags

    Home Browse our Products Toggle navigation Are you looking for an evaluation version of a product? If so you can down......vectorize (1) vectorizer (1) wkt (1) xpath (1) English Deutsch...
  10. CreateFromWkt | Aspose.GIS for .NET API 参考

    基于 Wkt众所周知的文本字符串创建一个新的 SpatialReferenceSystem...CreateFromWkt method 基于 WKT(众所周知的文本)字符串创建一个新的 SpatialReferenceSyst...CreateFromWkt ( string wkt ) 范围 类型 描述 wkt String WKT 字符串。 返回值 新 SpatialReferenceSyst...