Appends cookies from the specified request to the internal cookie container.... virtual void System :: Web :: Services :: Protocols :: ...HttpWebClientProtoco Namespace System::Web::Services::Protocols Library...
Sets the stream that contains the SOAP message data.... void System :: Web :: Services :: Protocols :: SoapMessage...SoapMessage Namespace System::Web::Services::Protocols Library...
Sets a container that is used to store cookies.... void System :: Web :: Services :: Protocols :: ...HttpWebClientProtoco Namespace System::Web::Services::Protocols Library...
How to install the Aspose.Words for SharePoint using installer.... The user selects web applications where the feature...the feature for the selected web applications and update their...
This article introduces how to work with hyperlink in GridWeb....for either creating links to web URLs or to perform postback to...hyperlinks that can be linked to web URLs. Text hyperlinks , URL hyperlinks...
Aspose.Gis.Raster.Web namespace provides classes for working with Web warping....Web Aspose.Gis.Raster.Web namespace provides...provides classes for working with web warping. Classes Class Description...
The Aspose.Words.WebExtensions namespace provides classes that allow to customize elements and attributes that extend the XML vocabulary for representing Office Add-ins....class WebExtension Represents a web extension object. More... class...binding relationship between a web extension and the data in the...
Aspose.Tasks for C++ WebRequestEventArgs.h 1 #pragma once 2 //-------------------------------------------------------......client sends a web request to the Project Server's web API. 39 ///...Gets a web request to sent to the Project Server's web API. 54...
Gets the XML Web service URI....t_Uri() method Gets the XML Web service URI. System :: SharedPtr...SharedPtr < Uri > System :: Web :: Services :: Protocols :: WebClientProtocol...
Creates a Web link in PDF, Color, Enum[]) Creates a web link in PDF document. click. url String The web link destination. originalPage...