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verify signature

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  1. DigitalSignature - Aspose.Words for Java - API ...

    Detailed explanation & examples of Aspose.Words for Java classes & methods. Generate, convert, modify, render and print Word documents using Java....Object Represents a digital signature on a document and the result...display information about each signature in a document. Document doc...
  2. SignatureLine.is_signed property | Aspose.Words...

    SignatureLine.is_signed property. Indicates that Signature line is signed by digital Signature....Indicates that signature line is signed by digital signature. Examples...personal certificate and a signature line. doc = aw . Document...
  3. SignatureLine.IsValid | Aspose.Words for .NET

    SignatureLine IsValid property. Indicates that Signature line is signed by digital Signature and this digital Signature is valid in C#....Indicates that signature line is signed by digital signature and this...this digital signature is valid. public bool IsValid { get ; } Examples...
  4. FileFormatInfo Class | Aspose.Words for .NET

    Aspose.Words.FileFormatInfo class. Contains data returned by FileFormatUtil document format detection methods in C#....document contains a digital signature. This property merely informs...informs that a digital signature is present on a document, but it...
  5. Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ExternalSignature Class Ref...

    Public Member Functions | List of all members Aspose::Pdf::Forms::ExternalSignature Class Reference Creates a detache......a detached PKCS#7Detached signature using a X509Certificate2....Inherits Aspose::Pdf::Forms::Signature . Public Member Functions...
  6. FileFormatInfo.has_digital_signature property |...

    FileFormatInfo.has_digital_Signature property. Returns ``True`` if this document contains a digital Signature...has_digital_signature property FileFormatInfo.has_digital_signature...document contains a digital signature. This property merely informs...
  7. SignatureLineOptions.Instructions | Aspose.Word...

    SignatureLineOptions Instructions property. Gets or sets instructions to the signer that are displayed on signing the Signature line. Default value for this property is empty string Empty in C#....displayed on signing the signature line. Default value for this...personal certificate and a signature line. Document doc = new Document...
  8. digitalsignatureutil - Aspose.Words for Java - ...

    Detailed explanation & examples of Aspose.Words for Java classes & methods. Generate, convert, modify, render and print Word documents using Java.... Since digital signature works with file content rather...Example: Shows how to load signatures from a digitally signed document...
  9. property | Aspose.Wo... property. Gets or sets suggested signer's e-mail address...personal certificate and a signature line. doc = aw . Document... DocumentBuilder ( doc ) signature_line_options = aw . SignatureLineOptions...
  10. SanitizationException when checking for Signatu...

    Hello, we try to get the Signature count with following code: using (var pdfFileSignature = new PdfFileSignature()) { pdfFileSignature.BindPdf(InputPdf); return pdfFileSignature.GetSignNames().Count; } With attach…...SanitizationExceptio when checking for Signatures Aspose.PDF Product Family...Hello, we try to get the signature count with following code:...