Aspose::Words::SignatureLineOptions::get_Email method. Gets or sets suggested signer's e-mail address. Default value for this property is empty string in C++....personal certificate and a signature line. auto doc = MakeObject...Re-open our saved document, and verify that the "IsSigned" and "IsValid"...
DocumentBuilder InsertSignatureLine method. Inserts a Signature line at the current position in C#....SignatureLineOptions ) Inserts a signature line at the current position...creating signature line. Return Value The signature line node...
Aspose::Words::DigitalSignatures::DigitalSignatureCollection::get_IsValid method. Returns true if all digital Signatures in this collection are valid and the document has not been tampered with Also returns true if there are no digital Signatures. Returns false if at least one digital Signature is invalid in C++....Returns true if all digital signatures in this collection are valid...true if there are no digital signatures. Returns false if at least...
Aspose.Words.Drawing.SignatureLine class. Provides access to Signature line properties in C#....class Provides access to signature line properties. To learn...visit the Work with Digital Signatures documentation article. public...
SignatureLine.signer_title property. Gets or sets suggested signer's title (for example, Manager) to create a line for a signature and insert it into a document...shape that will contain a signature line, whose appearance we...
Allows to specify options for Signature line being inserted. Used in DocumentBuilder....Allows to specify options for signature line being inserted. Used...displayed on signing the signature line. Default value for this...
Aspose::Words::Drawing::SignatureLine::get_DefaultInstructions method. Gets or sets a value indicating that default instructions is shown in the Sign dialog. Default value for this property is true in to create a line for a signature and insert it into a document...shape that will contain a signature line, whose appearance we...
aspose.words.drawing.SignatureLine class. Provides access to Signature line properties...class Provides access to signature line properties. To learn...visit the Work with Digital Signatures documentation article. Properties...
Do you know how easily sign PDF documents in Python? Sign PDF files with high quality using Python via .NET PDF signature is a type of electronic signature that uses...cryptographic methods to add and verify data integrity and signatory...
Aspose::Words::Drawing::SignatureLine::get_AllowComments method. Gets or sets a value indicating that the signer can add comments in the Sign dialog. Default value for this property is false in to create a line for a signature and insert it into a document...shape that will contain a signature line, whose appearance we...