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  1. PDF to SVG Font Encoding to UTF8 is messing wit...

    When Convert a PDF to SVG, I need to keep the Font Encoding intact I use embedded custom-designed proprietary TYPE1 fonts when embedding, ASPOSE is converting these Fonts into TTF using Utf8 encoding, which is messing m…...PDF to SVG Font Encoding to UTF8 is messing with my character...converting these Fonts into TTF using UTF8 encoding, which is messing my...
  2. UTF8 Character 𝜓 (&psi) missing during Aspose ...

    Hi Aspose team, I am testing the PDF to SVG conversion by using Aspose PDF for Java before purchasing licence to see how it behaves. While doing it I found that UTF 8 character 𝜓 (psi) is missing during PDF to SVG conve…...UTF8 Character 𝜓 (&psi) missing during Aspose PDF to SVG conversion...
  3. FromUtf8() | Aspose.Slides for C++ API Reference

    Creates String from Utf8 string....*) method Creates String from utf8 string. static String System...char * utf8 ) Arguments Parameter Type Description utf8 const...
  4. LoadAsMultiple | Aspose.Email for .NET API Refe...

    LoadAsMultiple Contents [ Hide ] VCardContact.LoadAsMultiple method (1 of 4) Loads list of contacts from multi contac......Stream data encoding,if null then UTF8 will be used. token CancellationToken...Stream data encoding,if null then UTF8 will be used. token CancellationToken...
  5. Aspose::Cells::EncodingType enum | Aspose.Cells...

    Aspose::Cells::EncodingType enum. Enums supported encoding types in C++.... UTF8 2 UTF8 encoding type. Unicode 3...
  6. LoadAsMultiple | Aspose.Email for .NET API 参考

    从多联系人流中加载联系人列表...Stream 读取的文件名数据编码,如果为 null 则使用 UTF8。 token CancellationToken 传播应取消操作的通知。...encoding Encoding 流数据编码,如果null 则将使用 UTF8。 token CancellationToken 传播应取消操作的通知。...
  7. PtrToStringAnsi() | Aspose.Slides for C++ API R...

    Creates a managed String from an unmanaged zero-terminated unmanaged zero-terminated UTF8-string. static String System...managed String from an unmanaged UTF8-string. static String System...
  8. Encoding | Aspose.PDF for .NET API Reference

    Gets or sets encoding of extracted text.... UTF8 ); // convert the page and save...ReadAllText ( outFile , Encoding . UTF8 ); See Also class TextDevice...
  9. Encoding | Aspose.PDF for .NET API 参考

    获取或设置提取文本的编码... UTF8 ); // 转换页面并将文本保存到 stream device...ReadAllText ( outFile , Encoding . UTF8 ); 也可以看看 class TextDevice 命名空间...
  10. Read Barcodes with Unicode Encodings|Documentation

    This article describes how to decode barcodes with Unicode encoding...the automatic recognition of UTF8 and UTF16 Unicode encodings...automatically decode barcodes with UTF8 and UTF16 Unicode encodings...