com.aspose.font Interfaces IEncodingParameters IFont IFontCharactersMerger IFontEncoding IFontMetrics IFontSaver IGly...... For example: Type1's id is a glyph name, instance...derived object. For example: Type1's id is a glyph name, instance...
Decodes Gid to unicode. Glyph id is a unique number for a glyph which is font type dependent. For example Type1s id is a glyph name instance of GlyphStringIdaspose.font.glyphs/glyphstringid class. TTFs id is an int index instance of GlyphUInt32Idaspose.font.glyphs/glyphuint32id class.... For example: Type1’s id is a glyph name, instance...
Returns glyph by glyph id. Glyph id is a unique number for a glyph which is font type dependent. GlyphId - derived object. For example Type1s id is a glyph name instance of GlyphStringIdaspose.font.glyphs/glyphstringid class. TTFs id is an int index instance of GlyphUInt32Idaspose.font.glyphs/glyphuint32id class.... For example: Type1’s id is a glyph name, instance...
Type1 metric font implementation. This Type1 font is created using metrics only. Glyphs retrieval functions and some other that require real font are not allowed not allowed functions throw exception Type1NotSupportedException. Other properties FontName Weight Metrics and Encoding are used from metrics file....Type1MetricFont class Type1 metric font implementation. This type1 font is...Font type. Returns FontType.Type1 value. GlyphAccessor { get;...
Decodes Gid to Unicode. Glyph id is a unique number for a glyph which is font type dependent. For example Type1s id is a glyph name instance of GlyphStringIdaspose.font.glyphs/glyphstringid class. TTFs id is an int index instance of GlyphUInt32Idaspose.font.glyphs/glyphuint32id class.... For example: Type1’s id is a glyph name, instance...Type1Encoding namespace Aspose.Font.Type1 assembly Aspose.Font GetNameToCharCodeInd...
Decodes Gid to unicode. Glyph id is a unique number for a glyph which is font type dependent. For example Type1s id is a glyph name instance of GlyphStringIdaspose.font.glyphs/glyphstringid class. TTFs id is an int index instance of GlyphUInt32Idaspose.font.glyphs/glyphuint32id class.... For example: Type1’s id is a glyph name, instance...Type1Encoding namespace Aspose.Font.Type1 assembly Aspose.Font DecodeToGidParameter...
Returns all glyph ids available in the Font. Glyph id is a unique number for a glyph which is font type dependent. For example Type1s id is a glyph name instance of GlyphStringIdaspose.font.glyphs/glyphstringid class. TTFs id is an int index instance of GlyphUInt32Idaspose.font.glyphs/glyphuint32id class.... For example: Type1’s id is a glyph name, instance...