Checks if the day is leap....override Arguments Parameter Type Description year int Year. month...Day. era int Era. Return Value True if specified date is leap, false...
ColumnCollection ColumnCollection class Represents collection of columns in a table. addClone Name Description addClo...... Parameters: Name Type Description templ Column Column...withAttachedColumns boolean True to copy also all columns attached...
RowCollection RowCollection class Represents table row collection. addClone Name Description addClone ( Row , boolean...... Parameters: Name Type Description templ Row Row which...template. withAttachedRows boolean True to copy also all rows attached...
Represents a HTML exporting options.... getSvgResponsiveLayo() True to exclude width and height...setSvgResponsiveLayo(boolean value) True to exclude width and height...
Specifies the radical function consisting of a base and an optional degree....getHideDegree() Hide degree When is true, the degree is not shown, as... value) Hide degree When is true, the degree is not shown, as...
Specifies the radical function consisting of a base and an optional degree....getHideDegree() Hide degree When is true, the degree is not shown, as... value) Hide degree When is true, the degree is not shown, as...
Parent class of GridWeb control.Internal use only....the default is true getBackColor() Gets the BackColor...affect when EnablePaging is true. getFont() Gets the Font in...
Encapsulates the object that represents the floor of a 3-D chart....add("A1:A3", true); //Show data labels chart.getNSeries()...getDataLabels().setShowValue(true); //Get chart's floor Floor...