size property size property Gets and sets the radius of the glow, in unit of points. Definition: @property def size (......GlowEffect radius property transparency property English Русский...
TiffExpectedFormat TiffExpectedFormat enumeration The expected tiff file format. public enum TiffExpectedFormat Value......compression and RGBA with transparency color format. TiffLzwCmyk...uncompressed tiff and RGBA with transparency color format. See Also namespace...
StrokeColor SimpleMarker.StrokeColor property Specifies the color and Transparency given to the line. public Color St......Specifies the color and transparency given to the line. public...
TransparencyPoints IGradientFillSettings.TransparencyPoints property Gets the Transparency points. public IGradientTr......TransparencyPoints property Gets the transparency points. public IGradientTransparenc...set ; } Property Value The transparency points. Examples The following...
size property size property Gets and sets the size of the shadow. Range from 0 to 2.0. Meaningless in inner shadow. D......ShadowEffect preset_type property transparency property English Русский...
TextBkgndTrans TextBlock.TextBkgndTrans property Specifies the Transparency level for the background color of a shape......TextBkgndTrans property Specifies the transparency level for the background...opaque) to 1 (completely transparent). public DoubleValue TextBkgndTrans...
type property type property The color type. Definition: @property def type ( self ): ... See Also module aspose.cells......CellsColor class ColorType transparency property English Русский...
LayerFlags LayerFlags enumeration The layer flags [Flags] public enum LayerFlags : byte Values Name Value Description......TransparencyProtecte 1 The transparency protected Visible 2 The...
ShdwForegndTrans Fill.ShdwForegndTrans property Specifies Transparency level for the foreground (stroke) of the shape......ShdwForegndTrans property Specifies transparency level for the foreground...opaque) to 1.0 (completely transparent). public DoubleValue ShdwForegndTrans...