getAdvanceAfterTime getAdvanceAfterTime() function Specifies the time, in milliseconds, after which the Transition sh......milliseconds, after which the transition should start. This setting...
setAdvanceAfterTime setAdvanceAfterTime(long value) function Specifies the time, in milliseconds, after which the tra......milliseconds, after which the transition should start. This setting...
Corner direction slide Transition effect....class Corner direction slide transition effect. class ICornerDirectionTran...get_Direction () Direction of transition. Read TransitionCornerDire...
In-Out slide Transition effect....IInOutTransition class In-Out slide transition effect. class IInOutTransition...get_Direction () Direction of a transition effect. Read TransitionInOutDirec...
Ripple slide Transition effect....MorphTransition class Ripple slide transition effect. class MorphTransition...() override Type of morph transition. Read TransitionMorphType...
Aspose::Cells::Worksheet::GetTransitionEvaluation method. Indicates whether the Transition Formula Evaluation (Lotus compatibility) option is enabled in C++....method Indicates whether the Transition Formula Evaluation (Lotus...
Returns the Transition object which contains information about how the specified slide advances during a slide show. Read-only ISlideShowTransitionaspose.slides/islideshowTransition....SlideShowTransition property Returns the Transition object which contains information...
Aspose::Cells::Worksheet::SetTransitionEntry method. Indicates whether the Transition Formula Entry (Lotus compatibility) option is enabled in C++....method Indicates whether the Transition Formula Entry (Lotus compatibility)...