setDirection setDirection(int value) method Direction of Transition. Read/write TransitionEightDirectionType. Returns......value) method Direction of transition. Read/write TransitionEightDirec...
getSpokes getSpokes() function Number spokes of wheel Transition. Read/write long. Result long...function Number spokes of wheel transition. Read/write long. Result...
setSpokes setSpokes(long value) function Number spokes of wheel Transition. Read/write long....function Number spokes of wheel transition. Read/write long....
setDirection setDirection(int value) method Direction of Transition. Read/write TransitionInOutDirectionType. Returns......value) method Direction of transition. Read/write TransitionInOutDirec...
Specifies the Transition speed that is to be used when Transitioning from the current slide to the next. Reads TransitionSpeed....the transition speed that is to be used when transitioning from...
Specifies the Transition speed that is to be used when Transitioning from the current slide to the next. Read TransitionSpeed....the transition speed that is to be used when transitioning from...
Direction of Transition. Read/write TransitionLeftRightDirectionTypeaspose.slides.slideshow/Transitionleftrightdirectiontype....Direction property Direction of transition. Read/write TransitionLeftRightD...
Direction of Transition. Read/write TransitionCornerDirectionTypeaspose.slides.slideshow/Transitioncornerdirectiontype....Direction property Direction of transition. Read/write TransitionCornerDire...