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  1. TransformPoints() | Aspose.Slides for C++ API R...

    Applies the geometric Transformation defined by the matrix represented by the current object to the specified points....method Applies the geometric transformation defined by the matrix represented...containing the points to transform Matrix::TransformPoints(const...
  2. texteditoptions - Aspose.PDF for Java - API Ref...

    Detailed explanation & examples for every class & method in Aspose.PDF for Java library. Easily create, edit, convert or render PDF documents using Java platform....LanguageTransformati Language transformation modes static class TextEditOptions...the specified language transformation permission. TextEditOptions...
  3. CmxTextBlockSpec - Aspose.Imaging for Java - AP...

    Detailed explanation & examples of Aspose.Imaging for Java library so you may easily integrate Image Processing capabilities with your own apps....Matrix getMatrix () Gets the transformation matrix. CmxParagraphStyle...Matrix value) Sets the transformation matrix. void setParagraphStyle...
  4. WmfRecorderGraphics2D | Aspose.Imaging for .NET...

    WmfRecorderGraphics2D Contents [ Hide ] WmfRecorderGraphics2D class The Wmf recorder. public sealed class WmfRecorder......GetTransform () Gets the world transform. IntersectClip (RectangleF)...(Matrix) Multiplies the world transformation of this Graphics and specified...
  5. cmxtextblockspec - Aspose.Imaging for Java - AP...

    Detailed explanation & examples of Aspose.Imaging for Java library so you may easily integrate Image Processing capabilities with your own apps....Matrix getMatrix () Gets the transformation matrix. CmxParagraphStyle...Matrix value) Sets the transformation matrix. void setParagraphStyle...
  6. 管理 PS 檔案的畫布 | 。網

    用於管理 PS 檔案的 .NET API 解決方案。有關如何使用幾行 C# 程式碼剪輯和轉換 PS 檔案的圖形狀態的程式碼範例。...eps/psdocument/shear/) 和 Transform() 方法。 透過 ClosePage() 方法關閉目前頁面。...FileStream(dataDir + "" , FileMode.Create))...
  7. Transform | Aspose.Font for .NET API Reference

    Transforms coordinates with the Transformation matrix....Transform LineTo.Transform method Transforms coordinates with...with the transformation matrix. public void Transform ( TransformationMatrix...
  8. Transform | Aspose.Font for .NET API Reference

    Transforms coordinates with the Transformation matrix....Transform MoveTo.Transform method Transforms coordinates with...with the transformation matrix. public void Transform ( TransformationMatrix...
  9. Transform | Aspose.Font for .NET API Reference

    Transforms coordinates with the Transformation matrix....Transform IPathSegment.Transform method Transforms coordinates...with the transformation matrix. public void Transform ( TransformationMatrix...
  10. Transform | Aspose.CAD for .NET API Reference

    Transform Point3D.Transform method Applies Transformation to a point public void Transform ( TransformationMatrix mat......Transform Point3D.Transform method Applies transformation a point public void Transform ( TransformationMatrix matrix...