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topojson to geojson

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  1. Web Map Service (WMS)

    Web Map Service (WMS) is a standard proTocol used To serve georeferenced map images over the internet. It allows users To access maps as dynamic images, and enables clients To request and receive map images from a WMS server. The WMS server then generates and returns map images in the requested format, projection, and scale. WMS is widely used in web-based mapping applications, providing a flexible and interoperable way of sharing maps across different platforms and applications....Geodatabase (GDB) Esri Grid GeoJSON GeoTIFF GML GPX HDF JPEG2000...SVG Tile Map Service (TMS) TopoJSON Web Feature Service (WFS)...
  2. SVG

    SVG (Scalable VecTor Graphics) is an XML-based vecTor image format that allows for high-quality, scalable graphics that can be displayed on the web or in other digital formats. It uses mathematical equations To create and render graphics, allowing them To be resized and manipulated without losing quality. It's commonly used for logos, icons, and illustrations on websites and in other digital media....Geodatabase (GDB) Esri Grid GeoJSON GeoTIFF GML GPX HDF JPEG2000...SQLite Tile Map Service (TMS) TopoJSON Web Feature Service (WFS)...
  3. ERDAS Imagine

    ERDAS Imagine is a powerful remote sensing software used for geospatial image processing and analysis. It provides Tools for visualizing, manipulating, and analyzing satellite and aerial imagery, enabling users To extract valuable information and make informed decisions. It is widely used in various fields, including environmental moniToring, agriculture, and urban planning....Geodatabase (GDB) Esri Grid GeoJSON GeoTIFF GML GPX HDF JPEG2000...SVG Tile Map Service (TMS) TopoJSON Web Feature Service (WFS)...
  4. KML

    KML (Keyhole Markup Language) is a file format used To display geographic data in an Earth browser, such as Google Earth or Google Maps. It uses a markup language To define points, lines, polygons, and other geographic features, allowing users To create and share cusTom maps and overlays....Geodatabase (GDB) Esri Grid GeoJSON GeoTIFF GML GPX HDF JPEG2000...SVG Tile Map Service (TMS) TopoJSON Web Feature Service (WFS)...
  5. Oracle Spatial

    Oracle Spatial Format is a geospatial data format in Oracle Database for sToring and analyzing location-based information. It supports spatial data types and indexes, allowing efficient spatial querying and analysis in database-driven applications....Geodatabase (GDB) Esri Grid GeoJSON GeoTIFF GML GPX HDF JPEG2000...SVG Tile Map Service (TMS) TopoJSON Web Feature Service (WFS)...
  6. ArcInfo Binary Grid

    The ArcInfo Binary Grid Format is a raster data format used in geographic information systems (GIS) To sTore and manage spatial data. It consists of a set of binary files that sTore geographic information in a grid format, where each cell represents a geographic location and contains a value or attribute. This format was developed by ESRI for their ArcInfo software and is still commonly used in GIS applications....Geodatabase (GDB) Esri Grid GeoJSON GeoTIFF GML GPX HDF JPEG2000...SVG Tile Map Service (TMS) TopoJSON Web Feature Service (WFS)...
  7. HDF

    HDF (Hierarchical Data Format) is a file format designed To sTore and organize large amounts of diverse data. It provides a hierarchical structure that allows for efficient sTorage and retrieval of data, supporting various types of data, including scientific, numerical, and multimedia data. HDF files can contain datasets, attributes, and metadata, providing a comprehensive and flexible data sTorage solution. The format is widely used in scientific research, remote sensing, and other fields that require efficient management and analysis of complex data sets....Geodatabase (GDB) Esri Grid GeoJSON GeoTIFF GML GPX JPEG2000 KML...SVG Tile Map Service (TMS) TopoJSON Web Feature Service (WFS)...
  8. NetCDF

    NetCDF (Network Common Data Form) is a file format used for sToring scientific data, especially in earth and atmospheric sciences. It provides a self-describing format for multidimensional arrays and metadata, enabling efficient data access and analysis. NetCDF supports data compression, chunking, and parallel I/O, making it suitable for big data and collaboration among scientists. It can be accessed using various programming languages....Geodatabase (GDB) Esri Grid GeoJSON GeoTIFF GML GPX HDF JPEG2000...SVG Tile Map Service (TMS) TopoJSON Web Feature Service (WFS)...
  9. Web Feature Service (WFS)

    Web Feature Service (WFS) is an open standard developed by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) for publishing and sharing geospatial vecTor data over the internet. It allows clients To access and retrieve geospatial features, such as points, lines, and polygons, from a server and perform operations like querying, filtering, and editing. WFS supports interoperability between different GIS software and provides a standardized interface for accessing and manipulating geospatial vecTor data....Geodatabase (GDB) Esri Grid GeoJSON GeoTIFF GML GPX HDF JPEG2000...SVG Tile Map Service (TMS) TopoJSON Web Map Service (WMS) Web...
  10. GeoTIFF

    GeoTIFF is a file format used for sToring geographically referenced raster images. It combines image data with geographic information, allowing for easy integration with Geographic Information System (GIS) software....Geodatabase (GDB) Esri Grid GeoJSON GML GPX HDF JPEG2000 KML Mapbox...SVG Tile Map Service (TMS) TopoJSON Web Feature Service (WFS)...