Represents a shape on a slide....change the accent color for a theme of PowerPoint Presentation....palette colors from the main theme color and then used in shapes...
Aspose.Words for Python via .NET 22.12 Release Notes – the latest updates and fixes....WORDSNET-24441 A new public property theme_color has been added to class...@property def theme_color ( self ) -> aspose . words . themes . ThemeColor...
Detailed explanation of each class & method of Aspose.Slides for Android via Java library. Integrate presentation processing features in your own apps....TextVerticalOverflow TextVerticalType Theme ThreeDFormat TickLabelPositionTyp...
Provides detailed explanation of Aspose.Slides for Java API classes & methods so you could quickly integrate PowerPoint Processing features in your own applications....TextVerticalOverflow TextVerticalType Theme ThreeDFormat TickLabelPositionTyp...
Provides detailed explanation of Aspose.Slides for Java API classes & methods so you could quickly integrate PowerPoint Processing features in your own applications....TextVerticalOverflow TextVerticalType Theme ThreeDFormat TickLabelPositionTyp...
Provides detailed explanation of Aspose.Slides for Java API classes & methods so you could quickly integrate PowerPoint Processing features in your own applications....TextVerticalOverflow TextVerticalType Theme ThreeDFormat TickLabelPositionTyp...
Provides detailed explanation of Aspose.Slides for Java API classes & methods so you could quickly integrate PowerPoint Processing features in your own applications....TextVerticalOverflow TextVerticalType Theme ThreeDFormat TickLabelPositionTyp...
Provides detailed explanation of Aspose.Slides for Java API classes & methods so you could quickly integrate PowerPoint Processing features in your own applications....TextVerticalOverflow TextVerticalType Theme ThreeDFormat TickLabelPositionTyp...
Provides detailed explanation of Aspose.Slides for Java API classes & methods so you could quickly integrate PowerPoint Processing features in your own applications....TextVerticalOverflow TextVerticalType Theme ThreeDFormat TickLabelPositionTyp...
Provides detailed explanation of Aspose.Slides for Java API classes & methods so you could quickly integrate PowerPoint Processing features in your own applications....TextVerticalOverflow TextVerticalType Theme ThreeDFormat TickLabelPositionTyp...