spid property spid property Specifies an optional string that an application can use to Identify the particular shape......drawing class TextBox soft_edges property spt property...
control_data property control_data property Gets the data of control. Example if shape . control_data == None : print......drawing class TextBox connection_points property...
fill property fill property Returns a Shape.fill_format object that contains fill formatting properties for the speci......drawing class FillFormat class TextBox create_id property fill_format...
is_rich_text property is_rich_text property Whether or not the text is rich text. Example if shape . is_rich_text : p......drawing class TextBox is_printable property is_smart_art...
z_order_position property z_order_position property Returns the position of a shape in the z-order. Example shape . z......drawing class TextBox y property English Русский...
text_options property text_options property Represents the text options of the shape. Example from aspose.pydrawing i......drawing class TextBox class TextOptions text_horizontal_overflow...
left_inch property left_inch property Represents the horizontal offset of shape from its left column, in unit of inch......drawing class TextBox left_in_shape property left_to_corner...
set_locked_property method set_locked_property Set the locked property. def set_locked_property ( self , type , value......drawing class TextBox set_linked_cell method to_front_or_back...
anchor_type property anchor_type property Gets and set the shape anchor placeholder. Example from aspose.cells.drawin......class ShapeAnchorType class TextBox alternative_text property auto_shape_type...