add_text_box method add_text_box Adds a text box to the worksheet. Returns A Textbox object. def add_text_box ( self ...... Returns A TextBox object. def add_text_box (...Represents the vertical offset of textbox from its left row, in unit...
Aspose::Words::Drawing::ShapeBase::get_WrapType method. Defines whether the shape is inline or floating. For floating shapes defines the wrapping mode for text around the shape in C++.... auto textBox = MakeObject < Shape > ( doc...doc , ShapeType :: TextBox ); textBox -> set_WrapType ( WrapType...
Textbox.is_valid_link_target method. Determines whether this [Textbox](../) can be linked to the target [Textbox](../)....whether this TextBox can be linked to the target TextBox . def is_valid_link_target...aspose . words . drawing . TextBox ): ... Parameter Type Description...
Aspose.Words.Drawing.LayoutFlow enum. Determines the flow of the text layout in a Textbox in C#....flow of the text layout in a textbox. public enum LayoutFlow Values...Shape textbox = new Shape ( doc , ShapeType . TextBox ) { Width...
Story FirstParagraph property. Gets the first paragraph in the story in C#....Shape textBox = new Shape ( doc , ShapeType . TextBox ); textBox...WrapType . None ; textBox . Height = 50 ; textBox . Width = 200 ;...
aspose.words.drawing.TextboxAnchor enumeration. Specifies values used for shape text vertical alignment....aligned to the top of the textbox. MIDDLE Text is aligned the middle of the textbox. BOTTOM Text is aligned to the bottom...
Shape LastParagraph property. Gets the last paragraph in the shape in C#.... TextBox , 150 , 100 ); TextBoxtextBox = textBoxShape...textBoxShape . TextBox ; // Move the document builder to inside the TextBox...
Aspose::Words::Story::get_FirstParagraph method. Gets the first paragraph in the story in C++.... auto textBox = MakeObject < Shape > ( doc...doc , ShapeType :: TextBox ); textBox -> set_WrapType ( WrapType...