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  1. Unsupported symbols in the name of the html fil...

    Hi, I am using Aspose.HTML library and I found out that it doesn’t support ‘#’ character in the name of the input html file when windows handles it OK. Is there any solution of this issue? Here is sample code: using (v…...Unsupported symbols in the name of the html file Aspose.HTML...
  2. Mail Subject with double quotation (and other s...

    Hi, before version 22.4 there was no issue about subject decoding. After release 22.4 (included) of Aspose.Email, mail subject is now wrongly decoded. ex. Original Subject decoded into a desktop client: CONSEGNA: XX…...double quotation (and other symbols) wrongly decoded Aspose.Email...
  3. Save to PDF: incorrect positioning and unrecogn...

    Hello Support, Converting VSD file to PDF gives an unexpected result: Actual.PDF (51.9 KB) Expected.png (2.4 KB) (131.3 KB) C# code using (var document = new AsposeDiagram.Diagram(szFileName)) { …...positioning and unrecognized symbols in equation Aspose.Diagram...
  4. Zero and Asterisk Symbols Appear when Extractin...

    hi, We are extracting text from ppt using Aspose.Slide, but we met some problem. here is my code: // extract text from silde ISlideCollection slides = presentation.getSlides(); StringBuilder textBuilder = new Str…...Zero and Asterisk Symbols Appear when Extracting Text from PPT...problem with the appearing “*” symbol and logged the issue with ID...
  5. PdfFormatConversionOptions.PuaProcessingStrateg...

    Some PDF documents have special unicode Symbols which are belonged to Private Use Area PUA see description at https// have special unicode symbols, which are belonged to _Use_Areas. This symbols cause an PDF/A compliant errors...
  6. SetLicense() crashes Testhost - Free Support Fo...

    We use Aspose.PDF and Aspose.Words with an Aspose.Total License in a Visual Basic .NET project (.NET 4.7.2). Since a few days ago, the call of the SetLicense() in Aspose.PDF method crashes the Testhost. SetLicense in A…... Symbols loaded. ‘testhost.net472.exe’...0__b77a5c561934e089\System.dll’. Symbols loaded. ‘testhost.net472.exe’...
  7. get_NativeDigits() | Aspose.Slides for C++ API ...

    Gets digits Symbols (0 through 9).... const method Gets digits symbols (0 through 9). ArrayPtr < String...Return Value Array of digit symbols. See Also Typedef ArrayPtr...
  8. Code 128|Documentation

    Overview on the key properties of the Code 128 barcode type...Code 128 supports encoding symbols from the full ASCII 128 character...letters (A-Z), punctuation symbols, 7 special characters, and...
  9. Aspose.OCR for CPP 20.6 Release Notes|Documenta...

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android platforms....of result string in wchar_t symbols. size_t asposeocr_page_rect(const...of result string in wchar_t symbols. size_t asposeocr_page_abc(const...
  10. HtmlSaveOptions.FontEncodingRules | Aspose.PDF ...

    This enumeration defines rules which tune encoding logic...decode input codes to unicode symbols. Default public static final...decode input codes to unicode symbols. According to specification...