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  1. On-premise 2D Vector Graphics API | Aspose.Draw...

    Download DLL of 2D drawing APIs identical to GDI+ to render & convert vector graphics (lines, curves, and figures) as well as multi-style text within .NET Apps....Net-Standard .NetCore .NetStandard .NetStandard2...NetStandard2.0 Standard C# CSharp ASP.NET macOS Windows Azure Linux...
  2. On-premise 2D Vector Graphics API | Aspose.Drawing

    Download DLL of 2D drawing APIs identical to GDI+ to render & convert vector graphics (lines, curves, and figures) as well as multi-style text within .NET Apps....Net-Standard .NetCore .NetStandard .NetStandard2...NetStandard2.0 Standard C# CSharp ASP.NET macOS Windows Azure Linux...
  3. set_standard_built_in_name method | Aspose.Cell...

    set_Standard_built_in_name method set_Standard_built_in_name Sets the locale dependent function name according to giv......set_standard_built_in_name method set_standard_built_in_name...according to given standard function name. def set_standard_built_in_name...
  4. set_local_function_name method | Aspose.Cells f...

    set_local_function_name method set_local_function_name Sets the locale dependent function name corresponding to corresponding to given standard function name. def set_local_function_name...set_local_function_name ( self , standard_name , local_name , bidirectional...
  5. PdfCompliance|Aspose.Sildes for Python via .NET...

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android platforms....Constants which define the PDF standards compliance level. Members...will comply with the PDF 1.5 standard. PDF_A1B The output file will...
  6. Standard 2 of 5 in PHP via Java | products.aspo...

    Aspose.Barcode for PHP via Java API allows customize, generate and recognize Standard 2 of 5 barcodes in your PHP application...PNG JPG BMP TIFF SVG Standard 2 of 5 Standard 2 of 5 barcode in...via Java Generate and Scan Standard 2 of 5 (Industrial 2 of 5)...
  7. Version | Aspose.PDF for .NET API Reference

    Version of compression algorithm. Possible values are 1. Standard compression 2. fast improved compression which is faster then Standard but may be applicable not for all images 3. mixed Standard compression is applied to images which can not be compressed by faster algorithm this may give best compression but more slow then fast algorithm. Version Fast is not applicable for resizing images Standard method will be used. Default is Standard.... standard compression, 2. fast (improved...compression which is faster then standard but may be applicable not...
  8. tifffilestandardsenum - Aspose.CAD for JasperRe...

    All Classes Packages com.aspose.cad.jasperreports.bmp com.aspose.cad.jasperreports.common com.aspose.cad.jasperreport......Specifies the TIFF file format standards. Enum Constant Summary Enum...file standard. Extended The Extended TIFF 6.0 file standard. Method...
  9. ENTITY_NODE | Aspose.HTML for .NET API Reference

    An Entityaspose.html.dom/entity node....ENTITY_NODE ; Remarks Reference: DOM Standard - defines a platform-neutral...activities, and node trees. DOM Standard (DOM) # interface-node . GitHub...
  10. PdfCompliance Enum | Aspose.Words for .NET

    Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfCompliance enum. Specifies the PDF Standards compliance level in C#....enumeration Specifies the PDF standards compliance level. public enum...the PDF 1.7 (ISO 32000-1) standard. Pdf20 1 The output file will...