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  1. TextPath.RotateLetters | Aspose.Words for .NET

    TextPath RotateLetters property. Determines whether the letters of the text are rotated in C#.... SmallCaps ); Assert . AreEqual ( 36...
  2. Shape.TextPath | Aspose.Words for .NET

    Shape TextPath property. Defines the text of the text path of a WordArt object in C#.... SmallCaps ); Assert . AreEqual ( 36...
  3. TextPath.Trim | Aspose.Words for .NET

    TextPath Trim property. Determines whether extra space is removed above and below the text in C#.... SmallCaps ); Assert . AreEqual ( 36...
  4. ShapeBase.IsWordArt | Aspose.Words for .NET

    ShapeBase IsWordArt property. Returns true if this shape is a WordArt object in C#.... SmallCaps ); Assert . AreEqual ( 36...
  5. TextPath.Bold | Aspose.Words لمراجع .NET API

    TextPath ملكية. True إذا كان تنسيق الخط عريض .... SmallCaps ); Assert . AreEqual ( 36...
  6. TextPathAlignment Enum | Aspose.Words for .NET

    Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextPathAlignment enum. WordArt alignment in C#.... SmallCaps ); Assert . AreEqual ( 36...
  7. TextPath.SameLetterHeights | Aspose.Words for .NET

    TextPath SameLetterHeights property. Determines whether all letters will be the same height regardless of initial case in C#.... SmallCaps ); Assert . AreEqual ( 36...
  8. TextPath.Text | Справочник по API Aspose.Words ...

    TextPath свойство. Определяет текст текстового пути.... SmallCaps ); Assert . AreEqual ( 36...
  9. TextPath.Shadow | Aspose.Words för .NET API Ref...

    TextPath fast egendom. Definierar om en skugga appliceras på texten på en textväg.... SmallCaps ); Assert . AreEqual ( 36...
  10. TextPath.SameLetterHeights | Справочник по API ...

    TextPath свойство. Определяет будут ли все буквы одинаковой высоты независимо от начального регистра.... SmallCaps ); Assert . AreEqual ( 36...