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  1. Shape Formatting|Aspose.Slides Documentation

    Format shape in PowerPoint presentation in Java...autoshape of rectangle type IShape shp = sld . getShapes (). addAutoShape...color for the rectangle shape shp . getFillFormat (). setFillType...
  2. Aspose.GIS for .NET

    在 C# 和 .NET 应用程序中创建、编辑、转换和渲染 GIS 并映射 GPX、GML、KML、GeoJSON 等数据文件格式。...GeoJSON 转换为 SHP 如何在 C# 中将 KML 转换为 GPX 如何使用 C# 将 KML 转换为 SHP 如何在 C#...C# 中将 SHP 转换为 Geojson 如何在 C# 中创建形状文件 如何在 C# 中将 SHP 转换为 GPX 如何在...
  3. index.xml

    2.0 Documentation – Map Viewer APIs for .NET - Aspose content in Map Viewer APIs for .NET - Aspose on content in Map...io self application/rss+xml...
  4. Filling Shapes with Solid Color in PHP|Aspose.S...

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android platforms....$shapeType = new ShapeType(); $shp = $sld->getShapes()->addAuto...$fillType = new FillType(); $shp->getFillFormat()->setFillTyp...
  5. Reading shape files from zip using absolute pat...

    I have a zip of shape files containing following files. Nodes_1.dbf Nodes_1.prj Nodes_1.Shp 4.Nodes_1.shx 5.Pipes_1.dbf 6.Pipes_1.prj 7.Pipes_1.Shp 8.Pipes_1.shx I am trying to open files from zip but getting err…...shp 4.Nodes_1.shx 5.Pipes_1.dbf 6...6.Pipes_1.prj 7.Pipes_1.shp 8.Pipes_1.shx I am trying to open...
  6. shapefile to json conversion API for net

    Aspose.GIS for net is a GIS data manipulation and conversion API. It fully supports reading, writing and converting famous GIS data formats such as ESRI Shapefiles, GeoJSON, TopoJSON, ESRI Geodatabase, Geography Markup Language, Google Earth, GPS Exchange Format, MapInfo Formats and OpenStreetMap. It is a standalone net based API and does not require any GIS based softwares like ArcGIS / ArcMap, QGIS etc....shp", Drivers.Shapefile, "destination...Aspose GIS API. Just Select SHP as output format and. Upload...
  7. kml to shapefile conversion API for net

    Aspose.GIS for net is a GIS data manipulation and conversion API. It fully supports reading, writing and converting famous GIS data formats such as ESRI Shapefiles, GeoJSON, TopoJSON, ESRI Geodatabase, Geography Markup Language, Google Earth, GPS Exchange Format, MapInfo Formats and OpenStreetMap. It is a standalone net based API and does not require any GIS based softwares like ArcGIS / ArcMap, QGIS etc....shp", Drivers.Shapefile, options);...Aspose GIS API. Just Select SHP as output format and. Upload...
  8. shapefile to geojson conversion API for net

    Aspose.GIS for net is a GIS data manipulation and conversion API. It fully supports reading, writing and converting famous GIS data formats such as ESRI Shapefiles, GeoJSON, TopoJSON, ESRI Geodatabase, Geography Markup Language, Google Earth, GPS Exchange Format, MapInfo Formats and OpenStreetMap. It is a standalone net based API and does not require any GIS based softwares like ArcGIS / ArcMap, QGIS etc....shp", Drivers.Shapefile, "destination...Aspose GIS API. Just Select SHP as output format and. Upload...
  9. gpx to shapefile conversion API for net

    Aspose.GIS for net is a GIS data manipulation and conversion API. It fully supports reading, writing and converting famous GIS data formats such as ESRI Shapefiles, GeoJSON, TopoJSON, ESRI Geodatabase, Geography Markup Language, Google Earth, GPS Exchange Format, MapInfo Formats and OpenStreetMap. It is a standalone net based API and does not require any GIS based softwares like ArcGIS / ArcMap, QGIS etc....shp", Drivers.Shapefile, options);...Aspose GIS API. Just Select SHP as output format and. Upload...
  10. topojson to shapefile conversion API for net

    Aspose.GIS for net is a GIS data manipulation and conversion API. It fully supports reading, writing and converting famous GIS data formats such as ESRI Shapefiles, GeoJSON, TopoJSON, ESRI Geodatabase, Geography Markup Language, Google Earth, GPS Exchange Format, MapInfo Formats and OpenStreetMap. It is a standalone net based API and does not require any GIS based softwares like ArcGIS / ArcMap, QGIS etc....shp", Drivers.Shapefile, options);...Aspose GIS API. Just Select SHP as output format and. Upload...