Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop.Data.GridShapeCollection class. Encapsulates a collection of Shape objects...Encapsulates a collection of Shape objects. public class GridShapeCollection...enumerator RemoveAt (int) Remove the shape. See Also namespace Aspose.Cells...
Returns or sets the Shape to attach the end of the connector to. Read/write IShapeaspose.slides/ Returns or sets the shape to attach the end of the connector...ArgumentException Thrown when connected shape doesn’t has any connection sites...
is_locked property is_locked property True if the object is locked, False if the object can be modified when the shee...... Example if shape . is_locked : shape . is_locked = False...
is_locked property is_locked property True if the object is locked, False if the object can be modified when the shee...... Example if shape . is_locked : shape . is_locked = False...
is_locked property is_locked property True if the object is locked, False if the object can be modified when the shee...... Example if shape . is_locked : shape . is_locked = False...
is_locked property is_locked property True if the object is locked, False if the object can be modified when the shee...... Example if shape . is_locked : shape . is_locked = False...
is_locked property is_locked property True if the object is locked, False if the object can be modified when the shee...... Example if shape . is_locked : shape . is_locked = False...
is_locked property is_locked property True if the object is locked, False if the object can be modified when the shee...... Example if shape . is_locked : shape . is_locked = False...