ChartFormat Fill property. Gets fill formatting for the parent chart element in C#....generated series. chart . Series . Clear (); ChartSeries series = chart...chart . Series . Add ( "AW Series 1" , new [] { 0.7 , 1.8 , 2...
Aspose::Words::Drawing::Charts::IChartDataPoint::get_InvertIfNegative method. Specifies whether the parent element shall inverts its colors if the value is negative in C++....parent element shall inverts its colors if the value is negative. virtual...-> get_Series () -> get_Count ()); ASSERT_EQ ( u "Series 1" , chart...
Aspose::Words::Drawing::Charts::ChartDataPoint::get_Index method. Index of the data point this object applies formatting to in C++....-> get_Series () -> get_Count ()); ASSERT_EQ ( u "Series 1" , chart...chart -> get_Series () -> idx_get ( 0 ) -> get_Name ()); ASSERT_EQ...
ChartDataPoint Format property. Provides access to fill and line formatting of this data point in C#....Delete default generated series. chart . Series . Clear (); // Adding...Adding new series. ChartSeries series = chart . Series . Add ( "Series...
Stroke ForeColor property. Gets or sets the foreground color of the stroke in C#....the foreground color of the stroke. public Color ForeColor { get...generated series. chart . Series . Clear (); ChartSeries series = chart...
ChartDataLabelCollection Position property. Gets or sets the position of the data labels in C#....labels of the following chart series types: Bar, Column, Histogram...chart . Series ; // Delete default generated series. seriesColl...
Stroke Visible property. Gets or sets a flag indicating whether the stroke is visible in C#....generated series. chart . Series . Clear (); ChartSeries series = chart...chart . Series . Add ( "AW Series 1" , new [] { 0.7 , 1.8 , 2...
ChartMarker Format property. Provides access to fill and line formatting of this marker in C#....generated series. chart . Series . Clear (); ChartSeries series = chart...chart . Series . Add ( "AW Series 1" , new [] { 0.7 , 1.8 , 2...