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  1. Aspose.Imaging for Java 21.7 - Release notes

    Aspose.Imaging for Java 21.7 - Release notes – the latest updates and fixes....IMAGINGJAVA-7819 ImageSave exception on saving EMF Enhancement IMAGINGJAVA-7817...licenseVenture ( image , true ); image . save ( "test.png" , new PngOptions...
  2. Aspose::Words::Saving::DownsampleOptions::get_R...

    Aspose::Words::Saving::DownsampleOptions::get_ResolutionThreshold method. Specifies the threshold resolution in pixels per inch. If resolution of an image in the document is less than threshold value, the downsampling algorithm will not be applied. A value of 0 means the threshold check is not used and all images that can be reduced in size are downsampled in C++....Aspose::Words::Saving::DownsampleOptions::get_ResolutionThreshold...int32_t Aspose :: Words :: Saving :: DownsampleOptions :: ge...
  3. StreamContainer - Aspose.PSD for Java - API Ref...

    Java library to process Photoshop files. Create, read, edit and convert PSD & PSB files without needing Adobe Photoshop.... void save ( OutputStream destinationStream) Saves (copies) the specified stream. void save ( OutputStream destinationStream...
  4. Image - Aspose.Imaging for Java - API Reference

    Detailed explanation & examples of Aspose.Imaging for Java library so you may easily integrate Image Processing capabilities with your own apps....image processing // Save all changes; } finally { image...Determines whether image can be saved to the specified file format...
  5. Aspose::Words::Saving::TxtSaveOptionsBase Class...

    The base class for specifying additional options when saving a document into a text based formats....all members Aspose::Words::Saving::TxtSaveOptionsBase Class Reference...specifying additional options when saving a document into a text based...
  6. MapiContact - Aspose.Email for Java - API Refer...

    Contains documentation for all the methods & classes required to create applications using Aspose.Email for Java.... void save ( OutputStream stream) Saves this with vCard format. void save ( OutputStream stream, ContactSaveOptions...
  7. AdjustmentLayer | Aspose.PSD for .NET API Refer...

    AdjustmentLayer Contents [ Hide ] AdjustmentLayer class Adjustment layer. For example Brightness/contrast public abst......Determines whether image can be saved to the specified file format...format represented by the passed save options. override Crop (Rectangle)...
  8. TextDevice - Aspose.PDF for Java - API Reference

    Detailed explanation & examples for every class & method in Aspose.PDF for Java library. Easily create, edit, convert or render PDF documents using Java platform....TextDevice(); // convert the page and save text to the stream device.process(doc...OutputStream output) Convert page and save it as text stream. void processInternal...
  9. Aspose::Words::Saving::XamlFlowSaveOptions::Xam...

    Aspose::Words::Saving::XamlFlowSaveOptions::XamlFlowSaveOptions constructor. Initializes a new instance of this class that can be used to Save a document in the XamlFlow format in C++....Aspose::Words::Saving::XamlFlowSaveOptions::XamlFlowSaveOptions...this class that can be used to save a document in the XamlFlow format...
  10. IFontSavingCallback Interface | Aspose.Words fo...

    Aspose.Words.Saving.IFontSavingCallback interface. Implement this interface if you want to receive notifications and control how Aspose.Words Saves fonts when exporting a document to HTML format in C#....Words saves fonts when exporting a document...when Aspose.Words is about to save a font resource. Examples Shows...