aspose.words.saving.WordML2003SaveOptions class. Can be used to specify additional options when saving a document into the [SaveFormat.WORD_ML](../../aspose.words/Saveformat/#WORD_ML) format...specify additional options when saving a document into the SaveFormat...learn more, visit the Specify Save Options documentation article...
FontInfoCollection.Save_subset_fonts property. Specifies whether or not to Save a subset of the embedded TrueType fonts with the document...save_subset_fonts property FontInfoCollection.save_subset_fonts...Specifies whether or not to save a subset of the embedded TrueType...
Save options for export to Xml format...Hide ] XmlSaveOptions class Save options for export to Xml the default action and the Save operation continues, however...
Aspose::Words::Saving::XpsSaveOptions::XpsSaveOptions constructor. Initializes a new instance of this class that can be used to Save a document in the Xps format in C++....Aspose::Words::Saving::XpsSaveOptions::XpsSaveOptions constructor...this class that can be used to save a document in the Xps format...
Convert PDF to DOCX, PPTX, XLS, XLSX, EPUB, TEX, MHTML, Markdown & more using C++..._dataDir + infilename ); // Save using save options // Create DocSaveOptions...true ); // Save the resultant DOC file document -> Save ( _dataDir...
SvgExternalFontsHandling Contents [ Hide ] SvgExternalFontsHandling class Represents a way to handle external fonts u...... Embed 1 Save fonts data directly to SVG file...using this option. Vectorize 2 Save all text using external fonts...
Detailed explanation & examples for every class & method in Aspose.PDF for Java library. Easily create, edit, convert or render PDF documents using Java platform....OutputStream outputStream) Saves image to stream with default...outputStream, ImageType format) Saves image to stream with given image...
Represents a way to handle external fonts used for text drawing....Embed Save fonts data directly to SVG file. Vectorize Save all...public static final int Embed Save fonts data directly to SVG file...
Convert PCL to MARKDOWN within C++ applications....Convert PCL to DOC by using Save member function Load DOC file...Words API Save the document to MARKDOWN format using Save member...
Convert PCL to WORDML within C++ applications....Convert PCL to DOC by using Save member function Load DOC file...Words API Save the document to WORDML format using Save member function...