Jpeg2000Options Contents [ Hide ] Jpeg2000Options class The Jpeg2000 file format options. public class Jpeg2000Option...... Rotation { get; set; } Gets or sets...the parameter for rotate, flip, or rotate and flip the image...
BmpOptions Contents [ Hide ] BmpOptions class The bmp file format creation options. public class BmpOptions : ImageOp...... Rotation { get; set; } Gets or sets...the parameter for rotate, flip, or rotate and flip the image...
DwfOptions Contents [ Hide ] DwfOptions class The DWF options. public class DwfOptions : ImageOptionsBase Constructor...... Rotation { get; set; } Gets or sets...the parameter for rotate, flip, or rotate and flip the image...
setRotationCenter setRotationCenter(Point2D.Float value) method Describes the center of the rotation used to Rotate a......the center of the rotation used to rotate a motion path by X...
Load, manipulate and render XPS, PS and EPS documents to PDF and raster image formats without any software dependencies....renewForMerge , reset , rotate , rotate , scale , setBackground...
RotateShadowWithShape ReflectionEffectiveData.RotateShadowWithShape property Specifies whether the shadow should rota......should rotate with the shape if the shape is rotated. Read-only...
RotateShadowWithShape OuterShadowEffectiveData.RotateShadowWithShape property Specifies whether the shadow should rot......should rotate with the shape if the shape is rotated. Read-only...
Reset Matrix.Reset method Resets this Matrix to have the elements of the identity matrix. public void Reset () See Al......PSD Multiply Rotate English Русский 简体中文...
DefaultVersion PsdImage.DefaultVersion field The default PSD version. public const int DefaultVersion ; See Also clas......PSD Rotate English Русский 简体中文...
DicomOptions Contents [ Hide ] DicomOptions class The DICOM file format creation options. public class DicomOptions :...... Rotation { get; set; } Gets or sets...the parameter for rotate, flip, or rotate and flip the image...