I am following the below code to set zoom property on a document. However, I do not see any change in the way the output looks. Can you please let me know if I am missing something ?
com.aspose.words.Document docum…...5f)); // Rotate the output by 10 degrees. g2D.rotate(10.0 * Math...
Detailed explanation & examples for every class & method in Aspose.PDF for Java library. Easily create, edit, convert or render PDF documents using Java platform....RichTextBoxField RootElement Rotation Row Rows SaveOptions SaveOptions...int NoRotate If set, do not rotate the annotation's appearance...
Detailed explanation & examples that helps developers integrate Visio File Processing features in their own Java applications....placeable shapes flip and/or rotate on a page when shapes are laid...
Java library to create edit view and convert Word and OpenOffice documents. Programmatically work with document text, images, forms, tables, XML, OLE and more.... Free Online Rotate to rotate PDF documents and images...
Java library to create edit view and convert Word and OpenOffice documents. Programmatically work with document text, images, forms, tables, XML, OLE and more.... Free Online Rotate to rotate PDF documents and images...
Java library to create edit view and convert Word and OpenOffice documents. Programmatically work with document text, images, forms, tables, XML, OLE and more.... Free Online Rotate to rotate PDF documents and images...
Java library to create edit view and convert Word and OpenOffice documents. Programmatically work with document text, images, forms, tables, XML, OLE and more....Words API Free Online Rotate to rotate PDF documents and images...
Java library to create edit view and convert Word and OpenOffice documents. Programmatically work with document text, images, forms, tables, XML, OLE and more.... Free Online Rotate to rotate PDF documents and images...